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B2B content generation can be the bane of an Inbound marketer’s life. We all know that content is a vital part of any marketing campaign – but with the volumes of content needed to sustain multiple buyer personas and lead nurture pathways how can you motivate everyone to keep writing? Most employees will probably have a point of view on a business challenge, but will see writing B2B content as a chore and time consuming and many just don’t have the writing skills.
Where should marketers turn to for help to tackle this non-stop, all consuming, time draining task that is B2B content generation? The answer is PR.
Tapping into the writing talents and targeting skills of public relations professionals can turn a marketing team into B2B content generation machines!
Who better to provide support than PR professionals who consume industry news all day as they look to identify potential media opportunities or to understand what is resonating with journalists? PR people have a wealth of industry knowledge that can inspire blog topics, thought leadership articles and even aid the sales process.
If your marketing team is struggling for content, then use PR expertise to take existing thought leadership material and repurpose it as short, sharp, sound-bite comments. These can be used for blogs, for media commentary or to pitch the business spokespeople for inclusion in an upcoming magazine feature. Approved spokesperson commentary then becomes part of the PR’s arsenal and, if carefully targeted, can drive interested readers back to the company website and those all-important “call to action” forms.
However, don’t just hand B2B content generation over to the PR team and forget about it. It is vital that marketing and PR work together in tandem. Yes, it is great to have a newsworthy blog created by the PR team, but does it answer your customers’ questions, will it drive them to enquire for further information and is it optimised for your website?
Leaning on PR to support B2B content generation is a great way to boost your output, however it is vital that you have a process in place that can inspire creative thinking while still incorporating keywords for SEO purposes, key messaging from a marketing perspective and something of news value that your PR team can use. The right blog can be used, and reused, to drive value across your entire campaign. Now who wouldn’t want to do that?
Tags: Content Marketing