How to avoid an Internal Communication disaster

Getting Internal Communication right can be transformative for an organisation, but getting wrong, it can do great harm. Read our blog to avoid disasters!

Topics: internal communications,

How to Empower your Middle Managers to be Effective Internal Communicators

How do you empower your middle managers to be effective in internal communications? We explain in our blog.

Topics: internal communication strategy, internal communications,

What is Internal Communication and why should you care?

Internal communications play a vital role in organisations - but what is internal communications and why should you care? We explain in our blog.

Topics: internal communications,

Retail Directions engages ITPR to boost its brand presence after successful UK trial

Global retail management software specialist, Retail Directions, engages ITPR to boost its brand presence in the UK Retail Technology media

Topics: PR, IT, Retail Technology PR

What is SEO PR?

SEO PR can help provide quality backlinks, increased web traffic and measurable, data-driven results as well as helping boost your brand awareness.

Topics: PR, SEO,

Is PR good for SEO?

Used together, PR and SEO can provide measurable benefits that can raise your website performance, Google ranking and brand awareness.

Topics: PR, SEO,

5 top tips for SEO PR best practice

SEO PR is easier to get wrong than right, which is why we’ve shared our five top tips for SEO PR best practice so your business can dominate online.

Topics: PR, SEO,

How does SEO PR help my website?

SEO PR can provide direct benefits to your website and help ignite lead generation campaigns. We explore how this can be achieved in our blog.

Topics: PR, SEO,

Danish start-up, Monta, enlists ITPR to support its UK expansion

Danish start-up, Monta, has enlisted ITPR as its UK PR partner to support its growth in the UK market. Read more about the latest news here.

Topics: Top Tech News, PR Team,